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Frau Rikanovic, Dragana,
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Zusatzinfo Dragana Rikanovic has been lecturer in Fashion and Technology since October 2017. From July 2020 till October 2022, she joined the FAT team as a Senior Researcher for the Textile UX Research project. She has an extensive international experience as fashion designer across high-end fashion industry. In her role as womenswear RTW Designer at Hussein Chalayan in London she was on the forefront of integrating fashion and technology while designing and developing runway, diffusion, and license collections. After her eight year long stint and multiple promotions at Chalayan, she continued working as a designer and design consultant on creative projects and collaborations in London and Vienna. Dragana has received several design related awards.
Postadresse 170 Fashion & Technology
4020 Linz, Peter-Behrens-Platz 10 (Tabakfabrik Linz)
Forschung & Lehre