(alt) Design-Organisation-Medien   Hilfe


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Typ: Beitrag in Sammelband / Katalog / Bildband / Proceedings

9 aktive Leistungen - gruppiert nach Jahr des Leistungsbeginns (absteigend), sortiert nach Beginndatum (aufsteigend)
  AutorIn(nen) Titel Von (Seite) Bis (Seite) Herausgeber(innen) Titel der Publikation Erscheinungsjahr Sachgebiete
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Driving Desired Futures: Turning Design Thinking into Real Innovation    
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof.
  • Driving Desired Futures: Turning Design Thinking into Real Innovation 2014
  • 7183 Design
  • 0000 Nicht zuordenbar
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Mechanismus of Discontent    
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Creating Desired Futures, How Design Thinking Innovates Business 2010
  • 0000 Nicht zuordenbar (100%)
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Ways of Bringing It About    
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Creating Desired Futures, How Design Thinking Innovates Business 2010
  • 0000 Nicht zuordenbar (100%)
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Abductive Reasoning and the Conjecture of the New    
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Creating Desired Futures. How Design Innovates Business 2010
  • 0000 Nicht zuordenbar (100%)
  • Hintze, B.
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Sobek, W.
  • Geliebtes Glashaus - Einpersonenhaus in Volkersdorf bei Enns 134 137
  • Hintze, B.
  • Sobek, W.
  • Die besten Einfamilienhäuser 2008
  • 2402 Architektur
  • 2426 Wohnbau
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Leonding, Linz-Land 93 100
  • Fitz, A.
  • Heller, M.
  • Linz Texas. Eine Stadt mit Beziehungen 2008
  • 5608 Regionalentwicklung, -splanung
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Populist Opportunism. In Conversation with Michael Shamiyeh 127 139
  • Markus, Miessen
  • ECE - East Coast Europe 2008
  • 5410 Kulturwissenschaft
  • Gregory, R.
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Seifert House    
  • Gregory, R.
  • Key Contemporary Buildings. Plans, Sections and Elevations 2008
  • 2402 Architektur
  • 2426 Wohnbau
  • Shamiyeh, Michael; Univ.-Prof. Dr.oec (HSG) DI MA MArch (HARVARD)
  • Embrace the Swarm: Exploring Collective Authorship. 336 339
  • UNPLUGGED: Art as the Scene of Global Conflicts Ars Electronica 2002 2002
  • 0000 Nicht zuordenbar